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Anderson, Dorn & Rader Blog

March 4, 2011
DIY Estate Planning Software

For a number of reasons more and more people have been engaging in do-it-yourself projects over the last several years, and in the big picture this would have to be […]

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February 18, 2011
Estate Tax Changes: Don't Be Lulled To Sleep

One of the provisions that was included in the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 reduced the max rate of the estate tax to 35%. […]

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February 16, 2011
Bill Makes Estate Tax Exclusion Portable

There were some big changes to the estate tax parameters included as part of the new legislation signed into law by the president on December 17th that is being called […]

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February 12, 2011
Estate Planning: Now Is The Time

When you are a busy person you have to set your priorities, and when you do some things are going to wind up being neglected as other "more pressing" matters […]

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February 7, 2011
Durable Powers Of Attorney

People are routinely living into their late eighties and nineties these days. Life is a gift and we all welcome each new day but there are certain perils looming when for those who reach an advanced age. For this reason it is a good idea to include durable powers of attorney in your estate plan.

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February 3, 2011
Estate Planning & Legacy Trusts

Nobody is especially anxious to part with any of their hard earned money and hand it over to the tax man. But in spite of the complaining, most people recognize […]

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January 21, 2011
Probate Provides Protections

When you start to do some research into the topic of estate planning you will invariably see frequent mention of probate avoidance strategies. For people who deal with these matters […]

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January 10, 2011
Ethical Wills

An ethical will is a method to share your moral and spiritual values. It is a method to convey the lessons you learned in life to your loved ones. An ethical will can be looked at as a heartfelt final letter to your family. You let your loved ones know how you feel about them, share personally acquired wisdom, and get things off your chest if you find that to be necessary.

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January 7, 2011
Retirement Planning: Aim High

As estate and retirement planning attorneys, part of what we do is help our clients prepare for some of the challenges that go along with aging; things like possible incapacitation […]

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January 5, 2011
Incentive Trusts Can Build Character

When you are in a position to leave behind inheritances that can have life changing consequences for your loves ones you have a pleasant problem. You may want to make life easier on your family than they were for you, but at the same time you don't want to adversely impact one's motivation and work ethic. An incentive trust may be the answer.

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December 31, 2010
Bill Slashes Estate Tax

For those Americans who have been able to build some wealth throughout their lifetimes, estate planning has a lot to do with addressing the reality of the estate tax. Many […]

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December 24, 2010
Retirement Planning & Health Care Expenses

A large part of retirement planning involves trying to predict the costs that you will be facing in the future. This is very challenging because there are many variables at […]

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December 20, 2010
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts: A Quick Overview

We have all been involved in situations at various points in our lives when we decided to try to fix something on our own. There are times when you can […]

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December 17, 2010
Don't Forget Your Pet

When you are working through your estate planning checklist you may have a lot of ground to cover depending on the size of your estate and the specificity of your […]

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December 13, 2010
Estate Planning & HIPAA

An integral part of your estate plan is creating documents that express your end of life decisions concerning healthcare.

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December 10, 2010
Estate Plan Reviews & Adjustments

You may find yourself with a lot on your plate and when you do, you have to set your priorities. There are some matters that must be revisited every year, […]

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December 10, 2010
Sharing the Secrets Of Your Success

There is an old saying that goes something like "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime." This is […]

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December 3, 2010
Why Would Someone Want To Avoid Probate?

When you start to look into the subject of estate planning you see a lot written about employing strategies that are intended to help you avoid probate. Unless you are […]

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