Most people would agree that it is not easy to reach your financial goals and accumulate a significant store of wealth.  For those fortunate enough to achieve this objective, the focus should shift to balancing wealth accumulation with various asset protection techniques.
Various reports have concluded that the number and size of lawsuits brought against wealthy individuals is on the rise.  Unfortunately, most people fail to address this need until after a liability already exists. Unfortunately, most asset protection opportunities are no longer available at such time because of fraudulent conveyance laws.
When it comes to asset protection planning there are a number of different strategies that should be considered.  The best techniques to utilize to accomplish this objective vary considerably on a case-by-case basis.
Many people use Nevada limited-liability companies for asset protection. Nevada has some of the best laws in the country designed to protect a member’s interest from attachment by his or her creditors.  These entities can also provide significant tax advantages as interests in a limited-liability company can be transferred among the family members at a discount for gift tax purposes.
Other people use a Nevada asset protection trust to protect their assets.  Nevada is one of a limited number of states that allow a person to create an asset protection trust for oneself.  Nevada’s asset protection trust law became effective on October 1, 1999, yet many doctors, business owners, corporate executives and other high net worth individuals still have not taken advantage of this opportunity.
Assets transferred to a Nevada asset protection trust are generally protected from the transferor’s creditors two years after the transfer to the trust. Nevada law is superior to the laws of many other domestic asset protection jurisdictions in this regard since the required waiting period in most of the other jurisdictions is four years. The trust instrument must be irrevocable in order to provide the desired protection. However, the trust may be structured so that it can be modified by the trust creator to change the beneficiaries at the trust creator’s death.  In this way a Nevada asset protection trust can be designed to be very flexible despite being irrevocable.
Some people will combine the Nevada asset protection trust with one or more Nevada limited- liability companies in order to provide two layers of protection.  Used in combination these strategies can make it very undesirable for a creditor to pursue the assets contained within these structures.
To provide some sound information to people here in northern Nevada we have prepared a number of free special reports. These reports are available to you for download at any time, and one of the reports covers asset protection strategies.
If you are interested in protecting what you have earned from creditors, claimants, and former spouses you may want to access the information that is contained within this report. To access your copy click this link: Free Nevada Asset Protection Report.
If once you have read the report you have questions or would like to schedule a free consultation, we invite you to contact our firm. We can be reached by phone at (775) 823-9455.

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