Planning for the future involves more than just financial investments and retirement savings. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is incapacity planning. Preparing for the possibility that you may become unable to make decisions for yourself is a critical step in safeguarding your future and protecting your loved ones. Here are five essential legal documents you need for incapacity planning in Reno.
A durable power of attorney (DPOA) allows you to appoint someone you trust to handle your financial and legal matters if you become incapacitated. This person, known as your agent, will have the authority to manage your bank accounts, pay your bills, and make financial decisions on your behalf.
Having a DPOA in place ensures that your financial affairs are managed smoothly and without interruption. It also provides peace of mind knowing that someone you trust is making important decisions in your best interest. Without this document, your family might have to go through a lengthy and costly court process to gain the legal authority to manage your affairs.
A health care power of attorney (HCPOA) designates a person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This document is crucial for ensuring that your healthcare preferences are followed, even if you cannot communicate them yourself.
With an HCPOA, you can ensure that someone who understands your values and wishes is making medical decisions for you. This person, known as your healthcare agent, will work with your doctors to provide the care you would want. This document prevents family conflicts and ensures your medical care aligns with your desires.
A living will, also known as an advance directive, specifies your wishes regarding medical treatment and life-support measures in the event of your incapacity. This document guides your healthcare providers and loved ones on the types of medical interventions you do or do not want.
A living will takes the burden off your family to make difficult decisions during stressful times. It ensures that your preferences for end-of-life care are respected and followed, providing clarity and direction when it's needed most. This document can cover a range of situations, including the use of ventilators, feeding tubes, and other life-sustaining treatments.
A revocable living trust helps manage your assets during your lifetime and offers a smooth transfer of management upon incapacity or death. Unlike a will, a living trust can provide ongoing management of your assets without the need for court intervention.
With a revocable living trust, you can appoint a successor trustee to manage your assets if you become incapacitated. This ensures that your financial affairs are handled efficiently and according to your wishes. Additionally, a living trust can help avoid probate, saving time and money for your beneficiaries.
While primarily known for its role in distributing assets after death, a last will and testament is also essential for incapacity planning. It allows you to name a guardian for minor children and make specific bequests, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of according to your wishes.
A will works in conjunction with other incapacity planning documents to provide a comprehensive plan for your future. It ensures that your estate is distributed according to your wishes and provides clear instructions for your family.
Incapacity planning is a vital aspect of preparing for the future. By having these essential legal documents in place—Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will, Revocable Living Trust, and Last Will and Testament—you can ensure that your affairs are managed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are protected.
Contact Anderson, Dorn & Rader Ltd. for a personal consultation to discuss your incapacity planning needs. Our experienced team can help you establish these crucial documents, providing peace of mind and security for you and your family.
The 18th birthday of a disabled child can evoke feelings of apprehension for parents. While some parents may view their children as ready to embrace independence and take charge of their lives, parents of disabled children typically harbor concerns about how their child will navigate life without their oversight. With their child now legally considered an adult, parents may lose the ability to make decisions on their behalf or receive information about their medical or financial needs. This can leave many parents feeling unsure of how to continue caring for their child. However, by preparing thoroughly and seeking professional legal advice, parents can take measures to ensure that their child's needs continue to be met and their best interests remain safeguarded with asset protection you can perform in Reno, NV.
To ensure the ongoing ability to provide care for your disabled child after they reach 18, it is advisable to explore the option of having them execute a financial and/or medical power of attorney. A financial power of attorney will authorize someone chosen by your child to make financial decisions on their behalf in case they become incapacitated or are unable to communicate their wishes. In the absence of this document, you may need to pursue legal avenues to acquire the necessary authority for managing your child's financial affairs. It's important to know that if your child chooses you to make decisions for them, they can still make their own choices if they have the capacity too.
Additionally, your child has the option to execute a medical power of attorney. This will allow them to designate a trusted agent who can make medical decisions on their behalf in situations where they are unable to do so or unable to communicate their preferences to healthcare providers. The agent appointed is chosen to make decisions according to your child's wishes. As long as your child possesses the capacity to make and articulate their own medical decisions, they maintain the right to do so, and the appointed agent would only step in if your child becomes incapable of making or expressing their preferences.
Executing a financial or medical power of attorney requires that your child has the mental capacity to understand and sign the documents, with specific capacity requirements varying by state. Even if your child cannot physically sign the documents, they may still be able to execute them. It's crucial to prepare these documents ahead of time, particularly if your child has a degenerative condition. Not planning ahead can lead to serious problems because the documents are meant to assist your child when they can't make decisions on their own. Until that happens, your child can still make their own choices.
In the event that your child is not able to execute a financial or medical power of attorney due to lack of mental capacity, making decisions on their behalf may require court intervention. This process can be lengthy, costly, and public, causing additional stress and difficulties for both you and your child.
If your child is incapable of executing the required legal documents, you might need to undergo a legal procedure in court to establish guardianship and conservatorship. During this process, you would ask the court to grant you the authority to make decisions on your child’s behalf. The exact titles of the roles you may be seeking appointment for vary by state, but generally a guardian (sometimes known as a guardian of the person or conservator of the person) is authorized to make general life decisions for your child, such as where they live and what medical treatment they receive. A conservator is authorized to make financial decisions on behalf of your child.
If appointed as a guardian or conservator, you would have authority to make all decisions, including power of attorney for medical records, and your child would no longer be able to make any decisions for themselves. In some states, you may have the option to seek a limited or partial guardianship or conservatorship, where you can only make decisions specified by a court order. In all other matters, your child retains the right to make their own decisions. The court's overall objective is to promote independence while ensuring that your child receives the necessary support and care.
Get in touch with us today if you are wanting to be prepared for your child with disabilities to approach the age of 18. It's important to plan ahead so that your child gets the same care they had going up well into their adult life. This includes addressing the power of attorney for medical records. Our team is available to provide support and guidance as you navigate through the essential steps.
Every child is a precious gift, and as parents or grandparents, we strive to plan for their future, anticipating their needs and aspirations. However, families with special needs children or grandchildren face additional responsibilities in ensuring their loved one's future is secure, fulfilling, and supported. To ensure a flourishing future for your special needs child or grandchild, estate planning measures focused on their unique circumstances are essential. We recommend the following steps:
When it comes to estate planning, creating a Special or Supplemental Needs Trust (SNT) for your special needs child or grandchild should be a top priority. An SNT is a specialized trust designed to set aside funds and assets for the benefit of a beneficiary who may qualify for public assistance due to their disabilities. It can be established as a standalone trust or added to your existing trust.
It's important to note that government programs providing aid to disabled individuals have strict criteria regarding the amount of money and property a person can own while receiving benefits. Structuring any inheritance your special needs beneficiary may receive in a way that doesn't disqualify them from obtaining government benefits is crucial. Even if they are not currently receiving government benefits, considering the possibility of future needs is essential. To ensure all opportunities are available, it is vital that the trust is meticulously drafted by a lawyer well-versed in the eligibility requirements for government benefits.
An SNT not only provides financial security but also allows you to appoint a care manager or advisory committee. The care manager serves as an advocate for your special needs beneficiary, overseeing their well-being periodically or daily, depending on their level of care requirements. An advisory committee, comprising family members, friends, and professionals, can provide guidance to the trustee on the beneficiary's needs and the best use of the funds.
Additionally, the SNT can include a statement of intent, outlining the trust's purpose and how the funds should be utilized. This section acts as a safety net in case changes in the law make the beneficiary ineligible for government benefits. It allows for modifications to ensure your original intentions are met, even in the face of unforeseen circumstances.
In addition to establishing an SNT, putting your instructions in writing is crucial to ensure your wishes are carried out as intended. Consider creating a letter or memorandum of intent that provides guidance to your trustee on managing the trust after your passing. Although not legally binding, this document offers valuable insights into your true intentions. You can include details on how the funds should be used in accordance with government rules, specific goals you would like the beneficiary to achieve, and the standard of living you envision for them.
Supporting a special needs child or grandchild can be financially demanding, and it's important to consider how to sustain their care once you pass away. Life insurance can be a valuable tool in ensuring there will be sufficient funds for the trustee to use for their benefit. By designating the SNT as the beneficiary, you can provide a lump sum payment that is not subject to the same tax liabilities as retirement accounts.
The SECURE Act has brought changes to how beneficiaries can receive distributions from inherited IRAs, potentially impacting the financial support available to your special needs beneficiary. However, the Act also recognizes "eligible designated beneficiaries," including individuals with disabilities, who can still receive distributions over their life expectancies. Congress has established rules that allow the life expectancy of disabled beneficiaries to be used for certain types of trusts. If you have a substantial retirement account, it is crucial to discuss your distribution options to maximize benefits for all your beneficiaries.
We understand that securing a bright future for your special needs child or grandchild is of utmost importance to you. Our priority is to work with you in developing a comprehensive plan that will guarantee continued care and well-being for your loved ones. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to schedule an appointment so that we can begin this process together.
Estate planning is an important process that involves making arrangements for the distribution of your assets and property after your passing. While having an estate plan in place is crucial for everyone, people with disabilities need to get in touch with a Reno estate attorney even more.
Disability panels are groups of people who are appointed to oversee the management of an estate plan for an individual with a disability. This group, which may consist of close relatives, dependable friends, financial advisers, and attorneys, works to see that the disabled person's needs and wishes are fulfilled in the event of their incapacitation or passing. This is crucial because people with disabilities could have distinct needs that call for extra care and attention.
Disability panels offer a level of transparency and accountability not often found in conventional estate planning arrangements, which is one of its key advantages. By appointing a panel to manage your estate plan, you can be confident that your wishes are being carried out according to your intentions.
Knowing that there is a plan in place for managing a potential disability, everyone involved can feel more secure and prepared. Also, a disability panel can ensure that, in the event of a handicap, the person's desires are respected and carried out.
It's also worth noting that disability panels can be a valuable tool for estate planning. By including a disability panel in an estate plan, individuals can ensure that their wishes for care and decision-making are respected even if they become disabled. In addition to ensuring that the estate is managed in accordance with their wishes, this can help avoid family disagreements.
Disability panels can help prevent disputes among family members or other parties who may have conflicting interests in your estate. When there is a panel in place to manage your estate, there is less opportunity for disagreements or misunderstandings to arise. This can help ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can help prevent the unnecessary strain on relationships that can often result from disputes over an estate.
In addition to providing oversight of your estate plan, disability panels can also assist with other aspects of your care. For those with impairments, who might need extra care and attention to preserve their quality of life, this might be particularly crucial.
When choosing members for a disability panel, it is important to consider factors such as trust, competency, and reliability. You want to choose people who will be dedicated to carrying out your intentions and who are capable of administering your estate plan in a competent and ethical manner. This may include family members, close friends, or trusted advisors who have experience with estate planning or disability issues. The correct people must be chosen to serve on the disability panel in order for it to be effective. These people ought to be dependable, aware of the person's requirements and preferences, and capable of cooperating in decision-making. Clear rules and processes for the panel's operation and decision-making should be in place as well.
Disability panels can play a crucial role in estate planning for individuals with disabilities. By designating a panel to manage your estate plan, you can be certain that your wishes are being carried out exactly as you planned and that your assets are being dispersed in a fair and equitable manner. This can provide you and your loved ones peace of mind and help avoid disagreements or misunderstandings that frequently occur in conventional estate planning arrangements. If you or a loved one have a disability, it may be worth considering the benefits of disability panels in managing your estate plan.
When a loved one suffers from a mental illness, one small comfort can be knowing that your trust can take care of them through thick and thin. There are some ways this can happen, ranging from the funding of various types of treatment to providing structure and support during his or her times of greatest need.
Let’s explore a few ways you can help take care of a loved one struggling with mental illness with the help of your estate planning attorney:
Trusts can be disbursed in many ways. If your loved one is involved in an inpatient care facility or an ongoing outpatient program, you can structure your trust so that its disbursements cover the costs of that treatment as time goes on. This also helps your loved one because it relieves them of the responsibility of managing large sums of money on their own. They can rest easier knowing that their care is covered without having to set up a complicated payment plan on their own.
In some cases, the person suffering from mental illness doesn’t have the capacity to enroll themselves in the right type of care. If an intervention of care is needed, your trust can also help encourage involuntary treatment that ultimately serves your loved one’s best interests in the long run.
Selecting a trustee isn’t always an easy feat. That’s one of many decision-making areas where we’re more than happy to step in and walk you through the process. When you have a loved one battling mental illness, your choice of a trustee becomes even more of a nuanced decision.
We’ll help you deduce the perfect person to not only manage the wealth contained within the trust but also keep a compassionate watchful eye on your loved one benefitting from the trust. An astute trustee can look for early warning signs surrounding your loved one’s mental health issue and make sure to get them connected to the care and services they need in no time.
Most people don’t think of large inheritances as a burden. But this can be the case when an individual is dealing with depression, anxiety, hoarding, or diseases like schizophrenia. Lifetime trusts are an excellent way to take care of your loved one without saddling them with a challenge on top of what they are already experiencing.
A discretionary lifetime trust can be drafted in such a way that its funds can only be used to go toward certain goods and services — such as outpatient mental health care, housing, or other “necessaries” of life. Likewise, it can also prohibit spending in areas that would cause more harm than good — gambling or compulsive shopping, for example. The discretionary nature of these types of trusts makes it so your loved one doesn’t have to worry about their own potential missteps when it comes to using the wealth contained within the trust.
Do you have a family member or other loved one who could use the financial flexibility and structural support of a trust? Give us a call today, and together we’ll figure out the best ways to enhance your loved one’s life by finding the right estate planning tools to offer the most help.
With roughly 40 percent of U.S. adults suffering from a mental illness, it’s time to remove the stigma surrounding the topic. With greater awareness, there is greater opportunity to ensure that those affected by mental illness receive the help or treatment that they need, not just now, but in the future as well. Estate planning for someone with a mental illness will give you peace of mind that your loved one will be well taken care of in any unforeseen event.
The odds that you or somebody in your family is living with a mental health condition are 2 in 5. Rather than dismiss these issues because they are uncomfortable, we recommend being proactive about these challenges so that you’re prepared for whatever life brings your way. The best way to do this is with the help of an incapacity and estate planning attorney who will be able to draft a trust that covers all your bases.
Nearly 50 Million Americans Suffer from Mental Illness
Saying that America is dealing with a mental health crisis is not an exaggeration. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 40 percent of US adults experience mental illness, which is an increase of 20 percent from the year 2020. Additionally, 1 in 20 who experience serious mental illness, and 17 percent of American youth experience a mental health disorder.
The mental health crisis has worsened during the coronavirus pandemic. Loneliness and isolation are fueling increases in anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide and self-harm, reports Mental Health America. More people are seeking mental health screening and treatment, but around 23 percent of Americans with mental illness are still not receiving the services they need.
Improvement starts with acknowledging that there is a problem. Talking to a healthcare professional about mental health struggles and treatment options leads to better outcomes. One improved outcome can be creating an estate plan that takes into account your own, or a family member’s, mental health.
Your Mental Health and Your Estate Plan
Every estate plan should be tailored to the individual’s needs and their unique family dynamics. A number of estate planning documents are available to address concerns about your mental health. Chief among such concerns is the possibility that, at some point, you may be unable to manage your own affairs. To prepare for that contingency, consider having the following documents in place:
Importantly, for these documents to have legal authority, you must have mental capacity when you sign them. To ensure capacity, you may want to obtain a professional opinion from a licensed mental health provider stating that you are of sound mind and understand the meaning and effect of the documents you are signing. Alleging lack of capacity is a common basis for contesting an estate plan.
In addition, if you are entrusting somebody with power of attorney authority, and that person has their own mental health concerns, you should discuss the issue with your family as well as your estate planning lawyer.
Your Beneficiaries’ Mental Health
Having beneficiaries who suffer from mental illness presents a different estate planning challenge. You must pass your legacy to them in a way that serves their best interests. Discretionary trusts and supplemental needs trusts are two ways you can look out for a mentally ill loved one even after you are gone.
There is a significant difference between suffering from a severe mental illness, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, and a more minor issue such as anxiety or depression. Some people’s mental health issues can come and go over the course of their lifetime. Others’ illnesses are prolonged or recurrent. In some cases, a person may be genetically predisposed to mental illness that has not yet manifested. Proper proactive estate planning can protect you and your loved ones from whatever type of mental disorder may be of concern to you.
These are some of the factors to consider when making estate planning decisions based on mental illness in your family. Every individual and every family is unique. Your estate plan should reflect what you know now and be updated to reflect changes in your life and the lives of your family members. Contact us to learn how mental health considerations can fit into your estate plan.
Estate planning is a sensitive subject and it can be even more sensitive when the issue of mental health is involved. If you need to set up an estate plan, or revise an existing estate plan, around mental health concerns, we are here to help. Please contact our office to set up an appointment with an estate planning attorney.
Every February, American Heart Month begins as a friendly reminder to think about your heart health. This commemorative month was established in 1963 and prompts us to combat heart disease, the leading cause of death in America. Even with the high mortality rate of Covid-19, heart disease continues to be the dominant cause of death in the United States. Ultimately, American Heart Month is a great time to review your heart health and build healthy habits for the future. Of course, don't forget to consider who will act as your medical agent if you are unexpectedly stricken with a heart attack.
Various states have differing titles for medical agents, including a medical power of attorney, an advanced health care directive agent, a health surrogate, a health or medical proxy, and more. Regardless of the title your state uses, this person will make all medical decisions for you if you ever become too ill to communicate your wishes.
This person plays an essential role in making critical decisions regarding your health. Your medical agent should understand your medical wishes because they decide what care you will or won’t receive by communicating with providers caring for you. Also, keep in mind this person gains access to your private information, so you should consider all these factors before deciding who will act on your behalf.
It is easy to assume anyone close to you is fit to be your medical agent, but this is not the case. Consider someone you know will stay level-headed in emotional situations since everyone handles stress differently. Your medical agent should be reasonably assertive because of the many family opinions and doctor recommendations they will have to navigate. This person should be comfortable silencing others opinion to focus on your wants and needs when making decisions.
Your medical agent should live close to you because something unexpected can come up at any moment. This person will have to act on your behalf quickly and efficiently so that you don’t have to wait for care if you are incapable of speaking for yourself.
It is crucial to make sure your medical agent is willing to set time aside in case of a medical emergency. Having this title is both time-consuming and emotionally draining, so reach out to the person you’d like to act as your medical agent and address any concerns. Doing this in advance will help you choose someone willing to take on this responsibility.
You must choose a medical agent who will make decisions following your wishes. The person you choose needs to set aside their own wants to focus on making the decisions you expressed previously. Your medical agent acts as your voice even if they don't agree with your course of action, so be sure to find someone you can trust to follow your wishes if you are incapable.
Remember, even if you believe someone is right for the title, some states prohibit certain individuals from acting as a medical agent.
Many states don’t allow minors to be patient advocates, but there can be exceptions. Also, remember not everyone over the age of 18 qualifies to act as a medical agent so talking with a professional can help clarify state restrictions.
Not every state restricts health care providers from acting as medical agents, but most do. These restrictions can be overlooked if the health care provider is a family member, but make sure to take the proper steps to allow this. Furthermore, Kansas, Missouri, and Kentucky allow your health care provider to act as your medical agent if they are an active member of your religious organization.
If you haven’t decided who will act as your medical agent, Anderson, Dorn, and Rader can help determine the best fit. If you need someone to act as a backup, our attorneys are willing to build a strong relationship with you to understand your needs in case of an emergency. We will ensure that your wishes are carried out and written as required by state law.
Contact us now to discuss how to properly name a medical agent, as well as discuss other advance care directives.
Estate planning attorneys often emphasize that there is no universal approach that works for everyone. The best strategy depends on individual circumstances, making it vital to work with a Nevada estate planning attorney who can tailor a plan to your unique needs.
While each estate plan is personalized, there are essential components that should generally be addressed. Let’s explore these key elements and how they contribute to an effective estate plan.
Many people assume that a will is the ideal document to express their final wishes. However, unless the situation is extremely simple, a will is often not the best choice.
One reason is that a will must go through probate, a legal process that is costly, time-consuming, and public. This means your family loses privacy, as probate records are accessible to anyone.
Additionally, a will typically facilitates lump-sum asset transfers unless it is paired with a testamentary trust. This can create challenges, especially if beneficiaries struggle with financial management.
Consider the specific needs of your heirs. For instance, individuals with special needs often rely on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). A direct inheritance through a will could disqualify them from these critical benefits. Instead, a special needs trust can be established to protect their eligibility while providing for their needs.
Trusts are not just for the wealthy. A Nevada estate planning attorney can help you explore various types of trusts to achieve your goals, whether it’s protecting assets, managing distributions, or addressing specific concerns.
Planning for the possibility of incapacity is a critical aspect of estate planning. Unfortunately, about one-third of individuals aged 85 and older develop Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions can also lead to incapacity.
Without proper planning, a court may appoint a guardian to manage your affairs, leaving your fate in the hands of the state. To avoid this, you can name a financial representative in advance.
If you have a living trust, you can designate a disability trustee to manage the trust if you become incapacitated. Alternatively, a durable power of attorney for property allows you to appoint an agent to handle financial matters on your behalf.
Even if you have a trust, it’s wise to also have a durable power of attorney for property to manage assets not included in the trust. A Nevada estate planning attorney can help ensure these documents are properly prepared and aligned with your goals.
Advance directives are another essential part of a comprehensive estate plan. These documents ensure your medical wishes are respected if you are unable to communicate them yourself.
A living will allows you to specify your preferences regarding life-sustaining measures. You can also appoint a trusted person as your healthcare agent through a durable power of attorney for health care. This agent will make medical decisions on your behalf in situations not related to life-support.
Additionally, a HIPAA release form is crucial. It enables healthcare providers to share your medical information with the individuals you designate, ensuring your healthcare team and loved ones can collaborate effectively.
Want to learn more about estate planning and how a Nevada estate planning attorney can assist you? We offer free webinars to help you navigate the process. Visit our webinar page to see the schedule and register for a session.
Working with a qualified Nevada estate planning attorney ensures that your plan is tailored to your needs and protects your legacy. Take the first step today by learning about your options and creating a plan that gives you peace of mind.
A lot of people like to roll up their sleeves and embrace do-it-yourself projects, and there is certainly nothing wrong with taking the initiative to get things done on your own. It can save you money, and it can become an enjoyable hobby. This being stated, it is important to know where to draw the line when it comes to the DIY phenomenon.
There are websites on the Internet that sell do-it-yourself legal documents, including last wills and other estate planning devices. Since it doesn’t take any particular acquired skill to fill in the blanks on a worksheet, it can seem as though you can create your own will using tools that you can easily find online.
Is it wise to put an estate plan together on your own without any legal advice? This is a question that the people at the highly respected website and magazine Consumer Reports were interested in answering several years ago. To do just that, they launched an initiative that would give them some insight into the efficacy of DIY estate planning, or the lack thereof.
They assigned staff members to create last wills using downloads and worksheets that were being offered by three of the leading purveyors of do-it-yourself legal documents. In addition to wills, they actually used online tools to produce a few other legal documents that are not related to estate planning. Of course, we will stick to the last wills here.
Once the documents were in their hands, they had to find legal scholars that were qualified to examine them. Gerry Beyer from Texas Tech University School of Law was engaged, along with Norman Silber, a legal expert from Yale University. The third set of experienced eyes belonged to Hofstra University contract specialist Richard K. Neumann.
At the end of the process, they determined that there were unnecessary limitations in these templates. They found that it is unlikely that the DIY products that are on the market would meet your needs unless your intentions are extremely simple, like leaving everything to your spouse.
The fact that you really can’t trust boilerplate documents that you can get online is only one part of the equation when it comes to the shortcomings of do-it-yourself estate planning. As a layperson, how would you know what documents you should use?
And yes, we are using the plural, because a well-constructed estate plan will cover multiple bases.
When it comes to asset transfers, a last will is not your only option, and in fact, it is not the right choice for many people. A will must be admitted to probate, which is a costly and time-consuming process that strips your family of privacy.
If you were to use a revocable living trust instead, the drawbacks of probate would be avoided. There are additional benefits that can be taken advantage of as well, like the ability to instruct the trustee to distribute limited assets over an extended period of time to protect a spendthrift heir.
This is just one of numerous different types of trusts that can be utilized when you are planning your estate. The ideal choice will depend upon the circumstances, and this is why it is important to discuss your unique situation with a licensed estate planning attorney before you make any impetuous decisions.
Getting back to the concept of multiple different objectives to address, end-of-life issues should be confronted when you are planning your estate. A significant percentage of elders become unable to make sound decisions at some point in time due to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia that is triggered by some other underlying condition.
If you have a living trust, you could name a disability trustee to manage the assets if you become unable to do so yourself. You can also add a durable power of attorney for property to give someone the ability to make decisions on your behalf concerning property that is not in the trust.
A durable power of attorney for health care decision-making will also be part of a typical incapacity plan. This is an advance directive for health care, and a living will is another advance directive that should be included. With this type of will, you state your preferences regarding the utilization of artificial life-sustaining measures.
We have prepared a very useful worksheet that you can use to gain some additional insight into the estate planning process. It is being offered free of charge, and you can visit our worksheet download page to get your copy.
Planning for the future sometimes involves considering uncomfortable topics such as mental or physical incapacity. To prepare for this eventuality you will need to select an individual who can handle your financial and medical affairs. If you have established a revocable living trust your successor trustee would be in a position to manage your assets in trust. A durable power of attorney would authorize the agent that you select to manage your assets that you own that are not in trust. The health care power of attorney is used to appoint an agent to make medical decisions in the event of your incapacity. The individual that you may want to see managing your financial affairs may not be the same person who you would like to make medical decisions in your behalf.
One thing to remember is the need to provide your health care agent with the authority to access your medical records. The medical community may not release medical information to anyone without your consent. This is accomplished by including a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) release when you are executing your estate planning documents. To learn more about planning ahead for the possibility of incapacity get in touch with us for a free consultation. You can contact us by clicking this link: Reno Incapacity Planning Consultation
If you are one that likes to be prepared for life's eventualities then you should consider the possibility of mental incapacity. According to the Alzheimer's Association 13% of senior citizens suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and this rises to about 40% among individuals who have reached the age of 85. Alzheimer's causes dementia among other things and people who are suffering from dementia can find themselves unable to make sound decisions.
To prepare yourself, you may want to consider creating a living trust with incapacity safeguards included. In many cases the grantor will serve as the trustee while he or she is alive and fully capable of decision-making. However, you could also name a disability trustee who would administer the resources in the trust if the grantor and primary trustee was to become incapacitated.
In addition, durable powers of attorney are recommended as a way to empower people of your own choosing to make decisions in your behalf should you become unable to do so in the future due to incapacity.
If interested parties were to suspect that you have become incapable to manage your own affairs effectively they could petition the court to appoint a guardian to make decisions in your behalf. This can be an expensive, time consuming and humiliating process. This possibility can be avoided if you plan ahead intelligently. The best way to do so is with the assistance of an experienced and licensed Reno estate planning attorney.
When you are engaged in legacy planning you are likely to recognize the fact that the period preceding your death is going to have to be planned for as well. Long-term planning that includes your retirement, your twilight years, and the ultimate distribution of your assets after your death is key if you want to be completely prepared. Mapping out an intelligently conceived path with the assistance of an estate planning attorney is clearly the prudent course of action. People who seem to have all of their ducks in a row as they get older are not lucky; they had the foresight to plan ahead.
One of the things that you need to take into consideration is the high cost of long-term care. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services seven out of every ten Americans are going to need some form of long-term care eventually. There are a lot of people who don't care about this because they are under the impression that Medicare will take care of all of their health care needs once they reach the age of 65.
This line of thinking can get you into trouble because Medicare does not cover long-term care. Medicaid does cover it as the laws stand today, but many people are going to have to plan very carefully to qualify while still retaining a significant portion of their assets.
Another thing to consider with regard to the eventualities of aging is the possibility of dementia setting in. The oldest old (people 85 years of age and up) are the fastest growing age group in the United States, and upwards of half of people who reach this age are suffering from some degree of dementia. Planning for possible incapacity is important, and this is a matter to discuss with your estate planning attorney.
Though there are estates that will require some complex plans, the majority of people are going to have to concern themselves with two major issues. The first one is very obvious: you must execute a vehicle or vehicles of asset transfer. The most common way to leave your property to your loved ones is through the utilization of a last will.
Though the last will is the most widely used vehicle of asset transfer, it is not always the best one. When you use a last will your estate must pass through the process of probate, which can be lengthy, expensive, and public. Many people choose to avoid probate for these reasons, and the most common way of doing so is through the creation of a revocable living trust.
With these trusts you appoint a trustee, which can sometimes be a bank or trust company, who will administer distributions to your beneficiaries after your death in accordance with your wishes. These asset transfers take place outside the process of probate, and the creation of the trust provides some asset protection for your beneficiaries as well.
In addition to facilitating the transfer of assets, the fundamental estate plan will also include an incapacity planning component. You can protect yourself through the execution of a durable financial power of attorney and a durable power of attorney for health care. With these documents you empower representatives of your choosing to make decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so due to incapacitation.
These are a couple of the basics, but in the end the best way to truly demystify the process of estate planning is to consult with an experienced estate planning attorney. This type of communication is invaluable, and you will invariably feel a weight lifted off your shoulders when you exit your attorney's office with a solid estate planning strategy having been decided upon.
When someone mentions estate planning you probably think of wills and trusts , but it may be useful to look at the broader picture. We are all aware of the need to engage in retirement planning, and of course preparing for the distribution of your remaining assets to your loved ones after you pass away. But what about planning for the unexpected while you are still living?
Everyone wants to live a long and robust life, and indeed lifespans are expanding and people are living longer than ever. The fact is that the "oldest old," people 85 years old and older, are the fastest-growing segment of American society. So when you examine the data, it is becoming increasingly likely that you will live into your mid-80s and beyond. Though on the surface this can seem like a purely positive development, the reality is that incapacity is very common among people who reach such an advanced age and it must be planned for in advance.
To make sure that all of your bases are covered from a medical perspective estate planning attorneys will generally recommend the execution of advance directives. The two advance directives that are most widely utilized are the living will and the health care proxy. When you draw up a living will you instruct your physician as to your preferences with regard to potential medical procedures. The issue of whether or not you would want to be kept alive on artificial life support systems if your condition was deemed terminal is generally at the core of these documents.
A health care proxy is executed to name someone who can act as your agent and make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so due to incapacitation. Generally, medical professionals prefer to deal with the health care proxy, so a family member or close friend is making the final call, but if the proxy cannot be found, the physician can make the decision based upon the preferences expressed in your living will.