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Five Essential Legal Documents for Incapacity Planning in Reno

Planning for the future involves more than just financial investments and retirement savings. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is incapacity planning. Preparing for the possibility that you may become unable to make decisions for yourself is a critical step in safeguarding your future and protecting your loved ones. Here are five essential legal documents you need for incapacity planning in Reno.

incapacity planning reno

Durable Power of Attorney

Why You Need a Durable Power of Attorney

A durable power of attorney (DPOA) allows you to appoint someone you trust to handle your financial and legal matters if you become incapacitated. This person, known as your agent, will have the authority to manage your bank accounts, pay your bills, and make financial decisions on your behalf.

Benefits of a Durable Power of Attorney

Having a DPOA in place ensures that your financial affairs are managed smoothly and without interruption. It also provides peace of mind knowing that someone you trust is making important decisions in your best interest. Without this document, your family might have to go through a lengthy and costly court process to gain the legal authority to manage your affairs.

Health Care Power of Attorney

Understanding Health Care Power of Attorney

A health care power of attorney (HCPOA) designates a person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This document is crucial for ensuring that your healthcare preferences are followed, even if you cannot communicate them yourself.

Importance of Health Care Power of Attorney

With an HCPOA, you can ensure that someone who understands your values and wishes is making medical decisions for you. This person, known as your healthcare agent, will work with your doctors to provide the care you would want. This document prevents family conflicts and ensures your medical care aligns with your desires.

Living Will

What is a Living Will?

A living will, also known as an advance directive, specifies your wishes regarding medical treatment and life-support measures in the event of your incapacity. This document guides your healthcare providers and loved ones on the types of medical interventions you do or do not want.

How a Living Will Helps

A living will takes the burden off your family to make difficult decisions during stressful times. It ensures that your preferences for end-of-life care are respected and followed, providing clarity and direction when it's needed most. This document can cover a range of situations, including the use of ventilators, feeding tubes, and other life-sustaining treatments.

Revocable Living Trust

Purpose of a Revocable Living Trust

A revocable living trust helps manage your assets during your lifetime and offers a smooth transfer of management upon incapacity or death. Unlike a will, a living trust can provide ongoing management of your assets without the need for court intervention.

Advantages of a Revocable Living Trust

With a revocable living trust, you can appoint a successor trustee to manage your assets if you become incapacitated. This ensures that your financial affairs are handled efficiently and according to your wishes. Additionally, a living trust can help avoid probate, saving time and money for your beneficiaries.

Last Will and Testament

Importance of a Last Will and Testament

While primarily known for its role in distributing assets after death, a last will and testament is also essential for incapacity planning. It allows you to name a guardian for minor children and make specific bequests, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of according to your wishes.

How It Complements Other Documents

A will works in conjunction with other incapacity planning documents to provide a comprehensive plan for your future. It ensures that your estate is distributed according to your wishes and provides clear instructions for your family.

Incapacity planning is a vital aspect of preparing for the future. By having these essential legal documents in place—Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will, Revocable Living Trust, and Last Will and Testament—you can ensure that your affairs are managed according to your wishes and that your loved ones are protected.

Contact Anderson, Dorn & Rader Ltd. for a personal consultation to discuss your incapacity planning needs. Our experienced team can help you establish these crucial documents, providing peace of mind and security for you and your family.

Every February, American Heart Month begins as a friendly reminder to think about your heart health. This commemorative month was established in 1963 and prompts us to combat heart disease, the leading cause of death in America. Even with the high mortality rate of Covid-19, heart disease continues to be the dominant cause of death in the United States. Ultimately, American Heart Month is a great time to review your heart health and build healthy habits for the future. Of course, don't forget to consider who will act as your medical agent if you are unexpectedly stricken with a heart attack.

medical agent

What Is A Medical Agent?

Various states have differing titles for medical agents, including a medical power of attorney, an advanced health care directive agent, a health surrogate, a health or medical proxy, and more. Regardless of the title your state uses, this person will make all medical decisions for you if you ever become too ill to communicate your wishes. 

This person plays an essential role in making critical decisions regarding your health. Your medical agent should understand your medical wishes because they decide what care you will or won’t receive by communicating with providers caring for you. Also, keep in mind this person gains access to your private information, so you should consider all these factors before deciding who will act on your behalf.


Factors To Consider When Choosing Your Medical Agent

1. Emotional Fitness For The Job

It is easy to assume anyone close to you is fit to be your medical agent, but this is not the case. Consider someone you know will stay level-headed in emotional situations since everyone handles stress differently. Your medical agent should be reasonably assertive because of the many family opinions and doctor recommendations they will have to navigate. This person should be comfortable silencing others opinion to focus on your wants and needs when making decisions. 

2. Geographic Proximity

Your medical agent should live close to you because something unexpected can come up at any moment. This person will have to act on your behalf quickly and efficiently so that you don’t have to wait for care if you are incapable of speaking for yourself.  

3. Willingness and Ability To Serve

It is crucial to make sure your medical agent is willing to set time aside in case of a medical emergency. Having this title is both time-consuming and emotionally draining, so reach out to the person you’d like to act as your medical agent and address any concerns. Doing this in advance will help you choose someone willing to take on this responsibility. 

4. Ability To Make Decisions In Accordance With Your Wishes

You must choose a medical agent who will make decisions following your wishes. The person you choose needs to set aside their own wants to focus on making the decisions you expressed previously. Your medical agent acts as your voice even if they don't agree with your course of action, so be sure to find someone you can trust to follow your wishes if you are incapable.

Planning for Incapacity

Who Can't Be A Medical Agent? 

Remember, even if you believe someone is right for the title, some states prohibit certain individuals from acting as a medical agent.


Many states don’t allow minors to be patient advocates, but there can be exceptions. Also, remember not everyone over the age of 18 qualifies to act as a medical agent so talking with a professional can help clarify state restrictions. 

Health Care Providers

Not every state restricts health care providers from acting as medical agents, but most do. These restrictions can be overlooked if the health care provider is a family member, but make sure to take the proper steps to allow this. Furthermore, Kansas, Missouri, and Kentucky allow your health care provider to act as your medical agent if they are an active member of your religious organization.

Anderson, Dorn, and Rader Are Here To Help

If you haven’t decided who will act as your medical agent, Anderson, Dorn, and Rader can help determine the best fit. If you need someone to act as a backup, our attorneys are willing to build a strong relationship with you to understand your needs in case of an emergency. We will ensure that your wishes are carried out and written as required by state law. 

Contact us now to discuss how to properly name a medical agent, as well as discuss other advance care directives.

Though there are estates that will require some complex plans, the majority of people are going to have to concern themselves with two major issues. The first one is very obvious: you must execute a vehicle or vehicles of asset transfer. The most common way to leave your property to your loved ones is through the utilization of a last will.
Though the last will is the most widely used vehicle of asset transfer, it is not always the best one. When you use a last will your estate must pass through the process of probate, which can be lengthy, expensive, and public. Many people choose to avoid probate for these reasons, and the most common way of doing so is through the creation of a revocable living trust.
With these trusts you appoint a trustee, which can sometimes be a bank or trust company, who will administer distributions to your beneficiaries after your death in accordance with your wishes. These asset transfers take place outside the process of probate, and the creation of the trust provides some asset protection for your beneficiaries as well.
In addition to facilitating the transfer of assets, the fundamental estate plan will also include an incapacity planning component. You can protect yourself through the execution of a durable financial power of attorney and a durable power of attorney for health care. With these documents you empower representatives of your choosing to make decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so due to incapacitation.
These are a couple of the basics, but in the end the best way to truly demystify the process of estate planning is to consult with an experienced estate planning attorney. This type of communication is invaluable, and you will invariably feel a weight lifted off your shoulders when you exit your attorney's office with a solid estate planning strategy having been decided upon.

The field of estate planning contains many different legal instruments that most people have never heard of, so it can be kind of confusing when you start to do your research. On the other hand, there are some estate planning tools that are commonly used that most people have heard of that exist in some variations. As they say, a little bit of knowledge can sometimes lead to misconceptions, so we would like to clear up the difference between some of the basic terms that are often confused.
Everyone has heard of the last will, which is of course the most commonly used vehicle of asset transfer when a person dies. Many individuals are aware of the fact that there is an alternative to the will that prepares assets for eventual distribution while you are still alive. Since the last will is a vehicle of asset transfer, when some people hear the term "living will" they assume that this must be the way that you prepare assets for distribution while you are alive, but this is not the case.
A living trust is the vehicle of asset transfer that is executed while you are still alive. You can actually serve as both the trustee and the beneficiary while you are living so that you retain full control of the resources. But you name secondary beneficiaries and a successor trustee who will distribute the assets to your beneficiaries upon your death or incapacitation in accordance with your wishes.
The living will, on the other hand, is an advance health care directive. It is used to express your preferences with regard to the medical procedures you would accept and those that that you would prefer to deny in the event of your incapacitation. The matter of being kept alive through the utilization of life support systems is at the core of most living wills.

While no one likes to think about a time when they're no longer around, we all secretly wonder the same things: Will my spouse have enough to live on when I'm not there? Will I be able to leave a legacy for my children? Will the family home stay in the family, or will it have to be sold to pay off creditors and taxes? This is why estate planning is important and necessary.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is simply a way to protect your assets and your loved ones by creating legally valid documents that address a variety of concerns. Do you have a child that has special needs? Then a special needs trust might be the solution for you. This type of trust allows you to provide for a disabled or incapacitated dependent without affecting their eligibility for government-assistance programs. This trust can also be a component of a larger family trust, often called a Living Trust, that shields your assets from probate, minimizes taxes and even provides a way to give your heirs incentives for going to college, getting a job and similar personal growth accomplishments.

Set Up an Estate Plan

A good estate plan will also include a Powers of Attorney which are documents designed to designate someone to step in and speak on your behalf in financial and medical matters. In addition, you should have Advance Directives (a living will and health care power of attorney) that tells your healthcare providers how to handle life support and resuscitation matters.

In a nutshell, your estate plan is something you really can't do without and it's important that you have all of the key essentials. Hire an estate planning attorney! Anderson, Dorn & Rader, Ltd. has experienced estate planning lawyers that you can trust.

Living Trust vs. Will in Nevada

While a living trust and living will may sound similar they are actually two quite different things.

A living trust is designed to help protect and distribute your assets. The assets are actually titled in the name of the trust and depending upon the terms of your trust, you may have complete control or hand the management of the trust over to someone else. Upon your death, beneficiaries receive the assets according to your terms in the trust. A method of avoiding probate, it’s a way of bypassing the lengthy and often expensive court process of distributing your assets.

A living will, however, is a legal way of informing your physician what you want done in case of a terminal condition. It’s used when you can no longer communicate your wishes due to an injury or illness that leaves you incapacitated. Your living will should be accompanied by a health care power of attorney. This document designates a person to speak on your behalf and relay your wishes with regard to certain medical treatments and decisions. It might relate to resuscitation, feeding tubes, etc. These "advance directives" also give loved ones peace of mind knowing that they are doing what you would have wanted.

Anderson, Dorn & Rader, Ltd.

It’s highly recommended that everyone draw up advance directives including a living will and a health care power of attorney, whereas a living trust is especially beneficial for those with a certain level of assets. To get help with a living will or living trust, a good estate planning attorney is your best bet.


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