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Don't Go Through Another Year Unprepared

January 25, 2013

There are certain responsibilities that you may not have addressed for one reason or another, and for many people estate planning is one of these.
When you are busy with your day-to-day life, time can get past you in a hurry, and some things are simply left undone.
Now that we are in a new year you may start to take stock of the things that you would like to accomplish during 2013. We would like to urge you to make estate planning a priority this year.  If you have an estate plan, make this the year you have it reviewed and updated.
All adults should have an estate plan in place that includes a method to  transfer assets, income replacement for the benefit of family members, and advance health care directives that would come into play in the event of a medical emergency.
Estate planning is not something that is only relevant for senior citizens. It is true that the average lifespan is 78 years, and many people live well beyond this average age.
There are, however, no guarantees for any of us. You may be a young adult with minor children in the home who are totally dependent on you. From that perspective it could be said that estate planning is as important for younger adults as it is for senior citizens who have grown children who are self-supporting.
It is quite simple to put an estate plan in place. All you have to do is contact us for a free estate planning consultation and we will do everything possible to assist you as you make preparations to ensure the security of those that you love.

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