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Report Category: Basic Estate Planning

Should You Trust Your Estate Plan?

Many people think of estate planning as a life event. You spend some time with your estate planning attorney and talk about your goals, plans, dreams, and fears for the future.

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15 Common Reasons To Do Estate Planning

Find out the most common reasons why it is important to do estate planning such as avoiding probate, protecting your assets and designating someone who will manage your affairs after your pass away. These are all important matters that should not be ignored.

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Grandparents' Guide to Second Generation Planning

The question of what will happen to your children without you or their own partner will be answered someday. In preparation for the unexpected and the inevitable, it is important to set up a proper estate plan.

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Keeping Up With the Ever Changing Estate Tax

Why create an estate plan? As 2013 started, the estate planning world had a new law: The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), enacted January 2, 2013.

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Planning It Right the Second Time Around

One thing should be clear by now: we do our families and ourselves a great disservice when we fail to plan for every contingency. That's why a crucial first step in this entire process should be a consultation with an estate planning attorney.

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Living Trusts: Calculating the Benefits

Chances are you’ve already heard a lot about the attributes of Living Trusts: avoiding probate and legal quagmires, sometimes lowering estate and/or income taxes and protecting privacy.

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Peace Of Mind

As citizens of a culture that worships youth, most of us find it nearly impossible to admit our own mortality, much less make plans for that eventuality. Denial, however, offers no protection from the inevitable.

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Funeral Planning

For surviving family members, the hours and days following a loved one’s death is no time for weighty decisions. For many Americans, however, this will be the first time they think about the preparations for their loved one’s funeral.

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Family Wealth Trust

Our firm has found that looking after these financial assets is only a part of planning for passing on your legacy. Typically speaking, non-financial assets are more valued and often omitted when passing an estate to future generations.

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Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Wills and Living Trusts

Estate planning is an essential part of life and death. In planning for our future and our family’s future, we must take stock of who we are, what our goals are, and how we want our estate distributed.

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Creating a Lasting Legacy

Traditional Estate Planning can certainly address legal technicalities and basic financial concerns, but most people want to pass on much more than just financial assets.

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Are Your Bank Accounts Safe?

This report informs the reader of what FDIC actually is and explains the basic coverage FDIC offers.

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Your Life, Your Final Say

Terri Schiavo’s voice can still be heard, just in a different manner than before. Want to make sure you have the final say in your life? This report will tell you how the proper estate planning tools can guarantee that your end-of-life decisions are carried out.

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The Trouble with Joint Tenancy

Joint tenancy ownership of property is sometimes used as a substitute for an effective estate plan. Is this a good idea? Read this article to find out.

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The Nightmare of Living Probate

For most of our lives the greatest risk to our well-being isn't death. It's the ever-growing likelihood of becoming seriously ill or injured.

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Impact of Divorce

This report can help familiarize you with some important concepts about being prepared for divorce, should it come your way.

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Beware of Living Trust Scare Tactics!

There is so much conflicting information regarding estate planning options, it’s difficult to know whom to trust. Don't be fooled by the most common myths that have been used to scare the public.

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