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Anderson, Dorn & Rader Blog

October 19, 2011
CRUT For Tax Savings, Asset Protection

When you are serious about making informed plans for the future you have to be aware of all of the options that are available to you and how to use […]

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October 10, 2011
Life Changes Can Impact Your Estate Plan

People often tend to procrastinate before they take action and execute the appropriate estate planning documents. Their reasons vary, but it is human nature to prioritize things based on how […]

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October 8, 2011
Legacy Planning: Think Long Term

If you want to pass a proper legacy and be comprehensively prepared for all the contingencies that you may face during the latter stages of your life, it is wise to […]

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October 6, 2011
Balancing Inheritances With Life Insurance

Life insurance is a very important and useful element that is included in most estate plans. The most common use for life insurance is as an income replacement vehicle, and […]

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September 30, 2011
Cowell To Choose Cryonics

Former American Idol judge, Simon Cowell, has been in the news lately because he announced his intent to have his body cryonically frozen after he dies. Cryonic technology allows for […]

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September 29, 2011
Phases Of Aging Call For Holistic Planning

There are people who think that things will take care of themselves as the years pass, but the reality is that each of us must take responsibility for our own […]

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September 24, 2011
Elder Law Issues To Consider

When you are engaged in legacy planning you are likely to recognize the fact that the period preceding your death is going to have to be planned for as well. […]

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September 22, 2011
Is Your Pet Included In Your Estate Plan?

Making sure that your assets are properly prepared for distribution to your loved ones after your passing can be an involved matter. Because there's so much to take into consideration […]

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September 21, 2011
At What Age Will You Retire?

Setting goals and giving yourself sufficient time to reach them is essential to long term planning. This is especially important when it comes to retirement planning. Most people work because […]

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September 17, 2011
Estate Planning & The Internet

The Internet plays a large role in the lives of many people these days, and this has an impact on the field of estate planning. For one thing, the advances […]

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September 16, 2011
Estate Planning For Blended Families

We often talk in estate planning circles about preparing your assets for distribution to your loved ones. Depending on your personal wishes and the size and scope of your estate, […]

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September 15, 2011
Late Singer Winehouse Had Solid Estate Plan

Estate planning lawyers frequently emphasize the fact that estate planning is something that people of all ages should take seriously. Of course we would all like to live long and […]

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June 29, 2011
Estate Planning Is Not Just For Senior Citizens

The prospect of passing away is something that really doesn't cross the minds of people very often until they reach an advanced age. As a result, many individuals do not […]

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June 24, 2011
Estate Planning Demystified

Though there are estates that will require some complex plans, the majority of people are going to have to concern themselves with two major issues. The first one is very […]

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June 22, 2011
Estate Planning, Philanthropy, & CRUTs

When you are planning your estate it is likely that you have multiple objectives in mind, and if you're like most people making sure that your loved ones are provided […]

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June 20, 2011
Reactive Estate Planning To Avoid Asset Erosion

It is logical to assume that passing along assets to your heirs after you die is not something that will cost you a lot of money. Why should it? Of […]

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June 17, 2011
Marriage & Divorce Call For Estate Plan Updates

Making advance plans for the latter portion of your life is always going to be the wise course of action because the reality is that we all get older, we […]

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June 10, 2011
Retirement Planning: Be Apprised Of Your Options

Intelligent retirement planning that is given enough time to succeed will usually pay huge dividends.  However, the fact is that the future is uncertain and there are no absolute guarantees. […]

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