If you and your spouse have a living trust in Nevada and your spouse passes away, you may be at a loss as to what you need to do. The […]
Read MoreIf you and your spouse have a living trust in Nevada and your spouse passes away, you may be at a loss as to what you need to do. The […]
Read MoreA living will is an advance directive for health care, along with a health care power of attorney, should be part of any comprehensive estate plan. It is important to […]
Read MoreDying “intestate” simply means you did not have a will. Each state has its own “intestate succession” laws. Nevada is no exception. How your property is distributed upon your death, […]
Read MoreIf you have ever cared for a disabled individual, you are aware of all that is required to maintain proper care for them, including not only medical needs, but personal […]
Read MoreSome individuals add their children or other relatives to the title on property they own in an attempt to avoid probate. Although this can avoid probate, it can also create […]
Read MoreA power of attorney(POA) is a legal document that gives someone you have chosen the authority to act on your behalf. In Reno, Nevada, the person who creates the power […]
Read MoreHow and when a power of attorney becomes effective depends on the type of power attorney that has been executed. A power of attorney provides someone who has been designated […]
Read MoreWhen you pass away, your estate must be administered, regardless of whether you have a will or not. The person or company who is responsible for managing the administration of your […]
Read MoreThere are different types of powers of attorney. They each have their own purpose and transfer varying levels of authority to the agent. A “durable” power of attorney stays in […]
Read MoreA very common question asked by estate planning clients is “what happens to my property if I am single when I die? The answer to this question generally depends on […]
Read MoreYou have to be concerned about taxation when you are planning your estate. Taxes on asset transfers at death are going to be a factor for many high net worth […]
Read MoreIt can be intimidating to consider the possibility of relinquishing control over your property. People sometimes assume that you do surrender control of assets when you create a trust. In […]
Read MoreNovember 11 is Veterans Day, and people around the country are taking some time to remember the contributions that have been made by former service members. In this post we […]
Read MoreDuring 2010 the estate tax was temporarily repealed. This repeal was in place due to provisions that were included in the Bush era tax cuts. Under the laws as they […]
Read MoreMany people who are not wealthy assume that trusts are only useful for high net worth individuals. They are under the impression that last wills are for "the rest of […]
Read MoreMost people know they should avoid probate, but may be unclear why or how to do so. One reason to avoid probate is that it can be time-consuming. The heirs […]
Read MoreProbate stands in the way of your heirs and their inheritances when your assets are in your name at the time of your death. Nevada probate can take a significant […]
Read MoreThere are different types of wills that are used in the field of estate planning. One of them is the last will or last will and testament, which is used […]
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