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Anderson, Dorn & Rader Blog

June 10, 2011
Estate Tax: Once Bad, Twice Unacceptable

When people debate the fairness of the estate tax the primary argument against it is the fact that it is in and of itself an instance of double taxation. You […]

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June 10, 2011
Tuition Gifts Can Reduce Estate Tax Exposure

The estate tax can be devastating to your legacy, and it is important to take steps to mitigate your exposure for the well-being of your loved ones. At the present […]

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June 6, 2011
Overlapping Estate Planning Terms

The field of estate planning contains many different legal instruments that most people have never heard of, so it can be kind of confusing when you start to do your […]

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June 3, 2011
Long-Term Care Expenses Can Be Stifling

When you are planning for the future it is very important to be apprised of all the facts and trends that are relevant. A vital area to be aware of […]

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May 25, 2011
Comprehensive Long-Term Planning

There are people who view estate planning as something that is separate from retirement planning and the rest of the financial planning that they do throughout their lives. But the […]

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May 13, 2011
Are Your Advance Directives In Place?

When someone mentions estate planning you probably think of wills and trusts , but it may be useful to look at the broader picture. We are all aware of the […]

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May 6, 2011
Estate Tax Inequities

Last year, estate planning attorneys were placed in a difficult position because there was a lot of uncertainty regarding the future of the estate tax parameters. If the laws stayed […]

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May 4, 2011
Why You Need A Retirement Planning Lawyer

It is never too early to start planning for your retirement. There are those who are under the impression that Social Security is going to take care of their foundational […]

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April 29, 2011
Preparing For Long-Term Care Costs

When you are planning for your retirement and the ultimate distribution of your assets to your loved ones after you pass away it is important to make accurate projections with […]

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April 27, 2011
Simple Asset Transfers Outside Of Probate

Before we take a look at a couple of  simple probate avoidance tools, let's examine the reasons why people avoid probate in the first place. For one thing, probate can […]

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April 8, 2011
Do You Have Legacy Objectives?

Intelligent planning sometimes involves the necessity to work backwards, identifying your long-term goals and then acting appropriately as you walk the path toward achieving them. When it comes to estate […]

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March 25, 2011
Powers Of Attorney Provide Protection

Those who have begun to take the process of estate planning seriously will invariably find themselves considering the period of time that will precede the actual trigger event. When you […]

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March 21, 2011
Probate Lawyers Understand The Process

There are many "tools" to choose from when establishing your estate plan. One traditional option is the Will. If you research information about Wills you will find Internet marketing sites […]

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March 18, 2011
Your Home & Your Estate

The subprime crisis and financial meltdown certainly has taken its toll on the real estate market, and most areas of the country have made slow strides to recover. But the […]

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March 18, 2011
Five Bills Introduced To Repeal Estate Tax

As we all know politics has everything to do with spin. This is true not only during election cycles but it is also true once legislative processes have begun. We […]

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March 11, 2011
Estate Planning: Procrastination Is Risky Business

We tend to draw dividing lines in our culture regarding the things that are relevant during particular segments of our lives.  Sometimes this makes sense and sometimes it doesn't, but […]

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March 8, 2011
Success Often Hinges On Long-Term Planning

There's an old saying that goes something to the effect of "youth is wasted on the young." This may sound like the musings of some bitter old curmudgeon but there's […]

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March 8, 2011
Special Needs Planning & Your Estate

An important aspect of estate planning considers the needs of beneficiares and how best to meet those needs. If you have a beneficiary with a disability it is crtitical to […]

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